Showing 7 Result(s)
Howard Florey

The contribution of Australian scientist Howard Florey

Howard Florey was born in 1898 and died in 1968. He was a famous Australian scientist who specialised in pathology and pharmacology. He famously won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 that was shared with Sir Alexander Fleming and Sir Ernst Chain, for the development of penicillin. While Fleming has historically gotten …

Great Barrier Reef

Science of the Great Barrier Reef

While the Great Barrier Reef is extraordinarily beautiful and one of Australia’s most magnificent natural landmarks, it is also extremely delicate. Over the decades, particularly with regard to global warming, the Great Barrier Reef has been under constant pressure. Environmental groups and climate scientists are worked tirelessly to try and save the reef, with millions …

Tasmanian tigers

What happened to Tasmanian tigers?

Tasmanian tigers, also known by their technical classification thylacine, were once the world’s largest carnivore that also happened to be a marsupial. They famously went extinct in the 1930s. The main factor in their extinction is human ignorance about the effects of their encroachment, as well as over-zealous hunting practises that sought to collect trophies. …